Australia’s housing crisis is set to intensify if politicians continue to use the issue for grand standing instead of actually implementing practical solutions, according the Property Owners’ Association of NSW.
“It’s time to stop this nonsense by setting up an independent body to deliver more consistent visibility over what the country really needs in terms of housing,” said John Gilmovich, President of the Property Owners’ Association of NSW (POANSW).
“Politicians at all government levels are using the housing crisis as a political football instead of actually taking steps to really solve this massive problem.
“The Greens are holding up delivery of housing supply at Federal level, and the States are tinkering with legislation that will make the rental crisis worse.
“For example in NSW, The ‘Fairness Bill’ was recently released with much fanfare to introduce changes that are just going to cause more constraints on supply.
“Then – quietly in the same week – the NSW government introduced major fee increases and charges on developers who are trying to deliver on supply.
“Victoria is doing the same thing – making it financially crippling to be a property owner, and increasing fees and charges on developers under the guise of paying for COVID expenditure. This is not the way to increase the supply of housing.
“Add to the mix that government at all levels seem to have forgotten we need more than just hundreds of new two bedroom units and four bedroom houses, and you have a recipe for a massive increase in housing problems Australia-wide.
“Again, the NSW Government provides a great example, as they have kicked around changes to Boarding House and Share Accommodation legislation for more than five years without resolution.
“They’re constantly tinkering with this critical piece of legislation, burning hours and hours of community consultation time and we still don’t have an outcome.
Mr Gilmovich says the issue is compounded by the fact that no government organisation seems to be across the true quantum of real supply, how much housing is required and how to deliver what the country needs.
“Even Dr Peter Tulip, Chief Economist with Centre for Independent Studies, who has released a report into housing supply, had to basically hand count individual LGAs housing activity after contacting each LGA individually.
“We need to get clarity on the real numbers, and then ensure housing isn’t left in the hands of people who might be out of their jobs in the next two years.
The POANSW will be holding a forum on solving the housing crisis on Wednesday 26 July. For further details visit
About the author
Debra Beck-Mewing is the Editor of the Property Portfolio Magazine and CEO of The Property Frontline. She has more than 20 years’ experience in buying property Australia-wide and has extensive experience in helping buyers use a range of strategies including renovating, granny flats, sub-division and development. Debra is a skilled property strategist, and a master in identifying tailored opportunities, homes and sourcing properties that have multiple uses. She is a Qualified Property Investment Advisor, licensed real estate agent and also holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business. As a passionate advocate for increasing transparency in the property and wealth industries, Debra is a popular speaker on these topics. She is also an author, podcast host, and participates on numerous committees including the Property Owners’ Association.
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